I hope you'll enjoy it, as usual it's entirely free. Hey SoulGamers, Argl here! I wanted to share with you this little Soul Adventure I made on my own during the last 6 months. Tons of equipment, upgrades, skills, items and abilities 5 fun mini-games to improve your hero's stats Welcome to Soul Town! Design your Soul, train him and step into the Arena! Unlock new skills, buy new equipment and make your way to the top in this exciting RPG/Training game! Archaon hacked his way out of the dragons gullet with the ferocity of a Flesh. The hacked version of the game essentially is the same as the unhacked version, in that you're free to develop your character however you please and improve them through the various different training mini games and arena battles. He decided the fate of entire nations, his sword laid waste to heroes and. Keyhacks: Press G Toggle Health - H Level Up - J Statistics (100) - K Skills (100) - L Talent (100) - Increased Free Gold (Just click the links.) Description: Swords and Souls unblocked is one such hacked version of the popular game 'Swords and Souls' by developer Soul Games. Play The Game Swords and Souls Hacked Unblocked With Money Cheat.To be the best you need to be you need to train your skills, which is done by playing minigames which, while increasing your skills, also let you unlock achievements and gain experience.These minigames use either the mouse or the keyboard arrow keys and test your reflex skills.